Early Impotence in Men and its Treatment
Early impotence or in other words erectile dysfunction at young age nowadays has become a common problem. It is even difficult enough to determine what kind of disorder is considered to be early, because a man ideally should keep potency at old age.
The disorder is considered to be erectile dysfunction in men under 35 years of age – this age is the time of the greatest sexual activity for men.
Causes of Erectile Dysfunction
Let’s consider causes of impotence, which may trigger such a problem at young age. Erectile dysfunction is of two kinds – psychogenic (when causes are in psyche of a man – psychological impotence) and organic (disorders in the body that caused erectile dysfunction). A common case is combination of the two factors in different degrees.
As a rule, it is caused by psychological reasons. This is some kind of psychotraumatic situation, which entailed man’s low self-esteem and insecurity. Early impotence at young age is different in that often a man retains ability to erect, but loses it at the time of intimacy.
In order to identify psychogenic origin of dysfunction, general examination is carried out. After organic causes of disorder are excluded, it is necessary to make sure that a man retains ability to erect at the reflex level. As already mentioned, disorder can also be caused by real disorders in the body. These include: atherosclerosis, diabetes, consequences of bad habits, sexually transmitted diseases, prostatitis, spine trauma, etc.
Erectile Dysfunction: What to do if Symptoms Appear
Erectile dysfunction of mixed type often arises in cases when, due to relatively mild violation of potency of organic type, a man falls into psychotraumatic situation, which becomes the main cause of the disease.
What to do at impotence of this kind? Young men should remember that with such dysfunction you can not rely only on yourself or give up. For any type of disorder, you should immediately seek solutions, because almost with 100% probability any problems with erection are curable. And the earlier you start to treat and diagnose, the faster you will return to full sexual life.
Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction in Men
Help at impotence can be provided only by a qualified specialist – urologist-andrologist. How to cure impotence you need to ask specialist in the clinic, but not to search for magical ways on the Internet.
Currently, there is a number of methods for diagnosing impotence. Erectile dysfunction is successfully treated with physiotherapy procedures. What is important, treatment of impotence is complex, combining several methods at the same time.